Things that are interesting and which I’d like to share.
Latest Bookmarks
- Responsible JavaScript: Part I · An A List Apart Article
- HTML, CSS, and the Path to Accessible Web Design - The New Stack
- Apple's new feature a step towards digital apartheid - Axess Lab
- How we made the country’s most accessible grocery shopping app (without anyone noticing). - Justin Stach
- Reduced Position Sticky |
- Dear Screen Reader Useres, Since Web developers Can't Automatically Detect If You're Using A Screen Reader, Why Don't You Just Hand That Data Over, The Apple Edition
- Thoughts on screen reader detection – Tink
- Killed by Google - The Google Graveyard & Cemetery
- Canary in a Coal Mine: How Tech Provides Platforms for Hate · An A List Apart Article
- The “Backendification” of Frontend Development – Hacker Noon