Things that are interesting and which I’d like to share.
Amazing bookmarks
- Snapshot of Hanley in 60 minutes - 24 eye-opening photos of rough sleepers, beggars and abandoned tents - Stoke-on-Trent Live
- Pika • Super High Fives
- What It’s Like to Be a Woman Who’s 6’2”
- AdNauseam - Clicking Ads So You Don't Have To
- Investigation: how transphobia became rife in the gender-based violence sector - gal-dem
- A Modern CSS Reset - Post - Piccalilli
- As the father of a trans man, I fear for the consequences of this cruel judgment | Rowan Moore | Opinion | The Guardian
- Why Generation X will save the web - Hi, I'm Heather Burns.
- Watch "Coming Out As Trans - A Little Public Statement" on YouTube
- Nouns - All contributions - Deutschland #NoFilter - Contemporary information from and about Germany - Goethe-Institut