GitHub, f*ck your name change.. Tech industry be whilin. | by MooseyAnon

So what would our tech bro saviors have found out if they had actually bothered to talk to anyone black? Well, at least this black person would have told them that calling the branch master is not offensive. Furthermore, black people as a collective are not triggered by words like master wherever they appear in the wild. Context people, context. Banning a word because you think it’s offensive is basically telling us what we should and should not be offended by. There are bigger problems around inclusivity that deserve our time, let us put this drive for change into those.

See also:

  • cis people deciding to abandon using “woman” in case it offends non-binary people
  • cis people deciding that “womxn” will help trans women
  • cis people deciding that pronoun announcements are the best way to help non-binary and trans people.

Original link | Wayback Machine link

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