This site is built with Hugo, a Go-based static site generator, which has come a long long way since I last tried to use it.
It’s hosted on my own private Gitea server, which you don’t have access to. Sucks to be you. But I like having content on here in draft form, which I don’t want you reading. And it’s nice to be able to produce semi-private pages which are only accessible if you know the URL. Having the content on display would ruin that.
It’s currently built into a container image and pushed to my own private container archive, again based on Gitea. Watchtower, running on a rented VPS at DigitalOcean, then pulls it over my own private VPN (provided via Tailscale) periodically.
This container method is horibbly, horifically inefficient and was orginally just so I could prove it bring done on my own infra. A change to a single byte of content builds out a 200MB+ directory that gets bundled into an image, and then that entire image is transferred over t’internet to the VPS, with no diffing. I’ll change it very soon to a simple Nginx container. This can then serve the static files rsynced up to the VPS. Much nicer.
It’s now running as a persistent Nginx container that serves static HTML files. These are built on my local infrastructure and then rsynced up to my external VPS by a Gitea Action. There’s some steps in there that builds the site via Hugo, and then scrubs out all the EXIF info from images - just for safety’s sake (there’s too many man freaks out there).