- Making password managers play ball with your login form
- All Your Macs Are Belong To Us : Objective-See
- Crypto miners are killing free CI
- gitlet.js
- Slaughterbots
- An accessible toggle | Kitty Giraudel
- Rewritten in Rust: Modern Alternatives of Command-Line Tools
- Overenhancement
- HEAD - A free guide to <head> elements
- Today, the Trident Era Ends
- Laura Kalbag – Safety at conferences
- Making the slowest 'fast' page | Tune The Web
- Hiding Content Responsibly | Kitty Giraudel
- Material Design Text Fields Are Badly Designed — Smashing Magazine
- Automating the accessibility tests of your source code with GitHub Actions
- Why The IndieWeb? (Webbed Briefs)
- The boring front-end developer – Adam Silver – Designer, London, UK.
- Pika • Super High Fives
- AdNauseam - Clicking Ads So You Don't Have To
- A Modern CSS Reset - Post - Piccalilli
- Why Generation X will save the web - Hi, I'm Heather Burns.
- How to Flatten the History of a Git Repository Safely
- How to avoid layout shifts caused by web fonts – Simon Hearne
- A Modern CSS Reset - Post - Piccalilli
- How do you figure? | scottohara.me
- macOS Big Sur 11.2 Beta 2 Removes Feature Letting Apple Apps Bypass Third-Party Firewalls and VPNs - MacRumors
- GitHub is facing employee backlash after the firing of a Jewish employee who suggested 'Nazis are about' on the day of the US Capitol siege
- Bringing Spacer GIFs Back, to handle spacing elements in React and CSS
- The Cheap £10 Elgato Cam Link Alternative
- Robin Rendle ・ Don’t draw the UI, draw the priority
- Is Progressive Enhancement Dead Yet? (Webbed Briefs)
- Should The Web Expose Hardware Capabilities?
- My stack will outlive yours
- Highlighting Accessible Twitter Content – Eric’s Archived Thoughts
- Web Histories
- Pi Webcam
- 30 years ago today: History of the Web – World Wide Web Foundation
- I have resigned from the Google AMP Advisory Committee – Terence Eden’s Blog
- No cookie for you - The GitHub Blog
- HTML Memory Test - paulfosterdesign.co.uk
- Webbish
- Endangered Firefox: The state of Mozilla | ZDNet
- CSS { In Real Life } | A Utility Class for Covering Elements
- Alt vs Figcaption
- Table of Contents | Web Almanac 2020
- Clean advertising | Adactio
- Creating websites with prefers-reduced-data | Polypane Browser for Developers
- Please disable JavaScript to view this site
- Under-Engineered Responsive Tables | Adrian Roselli
- The Grand Unification Proposal · Issue #5743 · w3c/csswg-drafts